Differential Treatment of the Three Types of
Parental Alienation Syndrome
Legal Approaches Court ruling that primary custody shall remain with the alienating parent.
Plan A
(Most Common)
  1. Court ruling that primary custody shall remain with the alienating parent.
  2. Court appointment of PAS therapist.
  3. Sanction:
    1. Money
    2. House arrest
    3. Incarceration
Plan B
(Occasionally Necessary)
  1. Court ruling that primary custody shall be transferred to the alienated parent.
  2. Extremely restricted visitation by the alienating parent, under supervision if necessary, to prevent indoctrination.
  1. Court-ordered transfer of primary custody to the alienated parent (in most cases).
  2. Court-ordered transitional site program.
Psychotherapeutic Approaches None usually necessary Plan A
(Most common)
Treatment by a court-appointed PAS therapist

Plan B
(Occasionally necessary)
Monitored transitional site program

Therapist-monitored transitional site program

Richard A. Gardner, M.D.