F.A.C.T. Information: Parental Alienation
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Some Parental Alienation Links to Other Sites
A not-too-exhaustive list of sites with information on Parential Alienation Syndrome. Please note: links tend to get out of date very quickly. Please let us know if the one you wanted is broken, or a good site not listed below is online, by emailing us at webmaster@fact.on.ca.
- http://www.rgardner.com/ Dr. Richard A. Gardner's site - the innovator of the term "Parental Alienation Syndrome" and a source of information, books and he acts as an expert witness.
- http://www.parental-alienation-awareness.com A Canadian-based group promoting a Parental Alienation Awareness Day -- which has now happened in Maine (the state of the USA). Give this your support.
- http://www.education.mcgill.ca/pain/ The Canadian Parental Alienation Information Network (P.A.I.N.) and involves the team from McGill Univeristy, including Dr. Glenn F. Carwright and Despina Vassiliou.
- http://www.reenasommerassociates.mb.ca is the website for Dr. Reena Sommer, is a therapist in Winnipeg, who has trained with Dr. Gardner and who does custody and access evaluations. There is not a lot on her website about PAS, but she is PAS knowledgeable and does deal with shared parenting situations in a generally positive light.
- http://www.parentalalienation.com/ is Dr. Douglas Darnall's site. He deals with "Parental Alienation" -- the state proceeding the full-fledged PAS -- as well as Parental Alienation Syndrome. Dr. Darnall also has a book available through his site.
- http://stepparenting.about.com/parenting/stepparenting/msubpas.htm?pid=2803&cob=home/ About.com's Step-Parenting forum has a good set of PAS links as well, as well as information on a lot of other topics for parents and step-parents.
- http://www.spig.clara.net/ Shared Parenting Information Group (SPIG) UK. An excellect site in the UK with a lot of useful information. It also has a PAS section that has an exhaustive article list.
- http://www.divorcedoc.com/pas.htm is the PAS page from David Dr. Berndt's site (http://www.divorcedoc.com) that provides a very brief description and some information about treatment programs.
- http://www.robin.no/~dadwatch/ links to Dad Watch and Aktive Fedre (a Norwegian group) with information on PAS.
- http://fnf.org.uk/ Families Need Fathers is a UK group with a collection of good information, including a Parental Alienation section.
- http://www.familycourts.com/ The Family Court Reform Council of America is a California-based US site with some information on PAS.
- http://www.mall4us.com/pas.htm is a U.S. group calling itself the Parental Alienation Information Network (P.A.I.N.) It does provide some information on (U.S.) providers of services.
- http://www.vev.ch/en/pas/ link's to VeV's PAS newletter, which you can subscribe to or review some of the material in the current or past issues of the newsletter.
- http://homepages.iol.ie/~pe/ is Parental Equity, an Irish group with information on Parental Alienation, including cited statistics.
- http://www.acfc.org/, the American Coalition for Fathers & Children has an extensive site with considerable information on a number of topics, including some reports and studies on Parental Alienation.
- http://www.familycourt.gov.au/papers/fca3/LODGE.PDF links to Paul Lodge's presentaion material from his Alienation Revisited session at the Australian 3rd National Family Court Conference.
- http://www.divorcedfather.com/ has an excellent article under the father resources on PAS. This stie also promotes Serge Prengel 's book Still A Dad: the divorced father's journey.
- http://www.sagepub.co.uk/shopping/Detail.asp?id=4641
- http://www.divorcesource.com/archives/alienation.shtml provides the Ward and Harvey article above in a hypertext format.
- http://www.bpdcentral.com/ deals with Borderline Personality Disorder (it is not the disorder that is borderline). This condition seems to be found in many alienating parents.
- http://www.stanford.edu/~corelli/borderline.html also deals with BPD and states that some 10-14% of the population is affected, and that it is 2-3 times more common in women than in men.