F.A.C.T.'s Email Lists

Fathers Are Capable Too provides two public email lists. Both will provide information about F.A.C.T. -- including events and activities, emails from other organizations, and news items of interest. One group is a self-support group and sharing of knowledge about your particular situation. The other group is meant to be oriented to positive action to change the Canadian social and political environment to support equality in parenting and in the court system.

Fathers Are Capable Too provides a public email list regarding F.A.C.T. -- including self-support, events and activities, emails from other organizations, and news items of interest.

Use it to discuss your own personal situation with others, but please remember that this is a PUBLIC forum, so anything you say is available to any member of the email group. So please, don't be too specific.

This list is publicly accessible and you can subscribe below.

Subscribe to Fathers Are Capable Too
Enter your e-mail address:
fathers_are_capable_too Archive
An e-group hosted by FindMail's eGroups.com

Fathers Are Capable Too also provides a public email list regarding information and promoting advocacy concerning equal parenting and the rights of parents and children in Canada. This is not a support group for the discussion of individual sitautions and is intended to deal with local (Canadian) situations.

Please remember that this is a PUBLIC forum, so anything you say is available to any member of the email group, and that membership is generally open.

This list is publicly accessible and you can subscribe below.

Subscribe to Fathers in Action
Enter your e-mail address:
fathers_in_action Archive
An e-group hosted by FindMail's eGroups.com